Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lithium CR123A Battery

A new type of battery that is becoming widely accepted and used in many devices is the Lithium CR123A battery. The CR123A battery is fast becoming as well known as the Alkaline AA battery.

The CR123A is smaller and lighter than the AA battery, and thus it is easy to carry around and fits in many devices. It has very good power density and will deliver long run times in all types of devices. The CR123A has up to 4 times the power of the alkaline battery. It works great in cold weather and long hikes, since the CR123A operates at low and high temperatures for a long period of time. And best of all, the CR123A battery has excellent shelf life.

The CR123A is used in a wide range of ranges, from cameras, photo equipment, medical equipment, tactical flashlights, home security systems, to LED flashlights.

Buy the CR123A battery now at!

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