Friday, November 6, 2009

Month of Giving Thanks!

Hello everyone!

Halloween has just passed and the next holiday is already heading our way!

Thanksgiving is originally a harvest festival; a time to give thanks for the harvest. It has since evolved into a time to express gratitude in general. Usually, family and friends gather for a Thanksgiving meal on the fourth Thursday of November.

What better way to spend the day after Thanksgiving than by doing some Black Friday shopping? If you plan on camping out in lines for deals the night before, be sure to bring a flashlight or some sort of hand-held entertainment device to pass the time! To prevent these devices from running out of juice in the middle of the wait, make sure to you have some spare batteries on hand. Please visit our website for all the batteries you might need.

To celebrate this month of giving thanks, we would like to thank all of our customers for their support by offering a 15% discount off all purchases during the month of November! Please use the coupon code "thanksgiving2009" during checkout to receive the discount.

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